Optimasi Ekstraksi Triterpenoid Total Pegagan (Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban) yang Tumbuh di Riau

Enda Mora, Armon Fernando


Optimization of extraction of total triterpenoid content from pegagan (Centela asiatica (Linn) Urban) originated from three locations inRiau province; kecamatan Siak Hulu, kabupaten Kampar, kecamatan Belilas, kabupaten Pelalawan and kecamatan Tampan kota Pekanbaruwas carried out using soxhlet method. n-Hexane and methanol were used as eluent and 8 grams of active carbon as adsorbent. The resultrevealed that pegagan originated from kabupaten Kampar showed the highest yield with total triterpenoid content of 3.94%, while otherspegagan afforded lower yield; 1.25% for kabupaten pelalawan and 1.91% for kota Pekanbaru.

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